Banda Sea: Volcanic awe in the heart of Indonesia!
Set in the heart of Indonesia in splendid isolation are the Banda Islands. This group of volcanic islands played an important role in the history of colonial Indonesia, where exotic spices were harvested hundreds of years ago, aiding Holland’s rise as a rich and, in its time, a mighty nation.
The islands’ isolated location in the wide-open Banda Sea and sparse human population meant low fishing pressure which maintained the islands’ vibrant, natural, and healthy reef system. As a result, Forgotten Islands diving cruises allow you to experience and witness reefs bursting with life, huge sea fans and sponges, monumental hard corals, and more fish than your wide-angle lens can catch!
Banda Sea: Discover the Forgotten Islands!
Dewi Nusantara’s Banda Sea liveaboard takes you to all the best dive spots in the area that showcase Banda Sea’s diverse marine life. While big fish and pelagics are the usual suspects in the Banda Islands, its true treasure is in the large variety and sheer volume of fish life for both large and small marine life.
Some of the creatures worthy of special attention that characterise the diving in the Banda Sea are the dogtooth tuna and Mobula rays. You’ll also see large schools of fusiliers and thousands of red tooth triggerfish at many of the dive sites. On the other end of the size scale are prolific mandarin fish and the native Ambon scorpionfish. Our Banda Sea liveaboard dives enable you to experience the underwater majesty and biodiversity of this remote region for the adventure of a lifetime.
Spinner dolphins, orcas, and various whale species, including melonhead, pilot, blue, and humpback whales, are seen on Forgotten Islands diving cruises. On Dewi Nusantara’s liveaboard diving adventures, you will undoubtedly see plenty of big stuff, and no shortage of colourful reef life!
Diving in Banda Sea is usually comfortable, with mild currents, good visibility, and calm waters, but some dive sites are subject to stronger currents. If you’re up for the challenge and the experience of a lifetime, book your berth on our Banda Sea liveaboard cruises or check out our other Indonesia cruise itineraries.