Scientists consider the Coral Triangle the global epicentre of marine diversity and a major centre of coral evolution. 76 per cent of known coral species are found here, and 37 per cent of reef fish species. Extensive mangrove forests provide nurseries for the rich seas that have sustained our seafaring island people for millennia.
The diverse reefs are also the seeding stock for the future of our planet’s biodiversity, helping ensure adaptation as our natural communities respond to climate change and other global trends. The Coral Triangle, the global centre of marine biodiversity, is an area of 6 million square kilometres that includes parts of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and
the Solomon Islands. Dewi Nusantara concentrates on the Indonesian part of the vast area!
Our dive cruises take you to fascinating locations, including Raja Ampat, Triton Bay, Banda Sea, Ambon, Forgotten Islands, Halmahera, Alor and Cenderawasih Bay – which has just appeared on the world dive map and is a ‘must dive’ place!
Below you will find details on some of the locations Dewi Nusantara visits throughout the year. The dates and destination of each cruise are in the Schedules & Rates tab above. You can also find our full list of Indonesia cruise itineraries above.